• Welcome to Rugby Public Schools 

    Child Nutrition Program! 

    The Child Nutrition Program offers nutritious breakfasts and lunches at every School Building.  Proper nutrition is fundamental for the success of academic programs.  Our meals meet the new USDA Nutrition Standards, which requires the following: 


    • Age-Appropriate calorie limits 

    • Larger servings of vegetables and fruits (students must take at least one serving) 

    • A wider variety of vegetables, including dark green and red/orange vegetables and legumes 

    • Fat-Free or 1% Milk 

    • More whole grains 

    • Less sodium   


    The menu requirements build on the work we have already been doing to provide more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and heathier main dishes in our cafeteria.  Now is a great time for students to choose school Lunch!  


    Peggy Harmel Meal Tray infographic




    Peggy Harmel, District Assistant/School Nutrition 






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